The following is a selection of my published ebooks that can be purchased for a low cost:
A poetry chapbook about love and loss. It captures the emotional and psychological context of a dark time in the author's life, one in existential crisis. These 17 poems are as raw and honest in form as in content.
Monsters (2016)
A spy fiction novella, something like Orwell’s 1984 meets Kafka’s The Trail. Jonah doesn’t know how it began. All she knows is they're after her. Nobody believes her though, or admits it. All she wants is for it to stop. So she can live.
Referral Links
The following referral links and codes, subject to change with time, allow you to get something for free. Often, they require you to open an account. If you were thinking about opening an account with any of the following companies, why not get something for it (while also helping me out a bit)?
Amazon Visa - Get a $100 Amazon Gift Card instantly upon approval.
Capital One - Enjoy a new card member offer.
Chase - Can receive up to $200 if you open a qualifying Chase account.
Discover - Receive $100 statement credit when you make a purchase in the first 3 months.
Robinhood - Get a free stock for signing up to this commission-free investing app. Simple to use.
Wealthfront - Sign up and get an investment portfolio of up to $5,000 managed for free.
Webull - Sign up and fund an account with Webull for a chance to win a free stock valued up to $1,000.